
Want to get hold of one or more of our back issues? Well, now you can!

Our downloadable digital magazines consist of an interactive PDF. This can be viewed on any Apple or Android device such as tablets, mobile phones and desktop computers.

Hows does it work?

After you complete your order with us (through the checkout), our interactive PDF will be available for you to download. A back-up copy will also be stored in your library (My Account > Downloads).

Some of what’s inside:

Fact Or Fiction? – We Ask the Experts about common myths and misconceptions. This issue, it’s celery and stringy bits!

Piggie’s Next Top Model – It’s Tilty! What makes our cover star piggy so cute and how many fleece tunnels does she have? We chat to Kat of @kats_guineapigs and get to know her better!

The Killer in The Garden – A Cautionary Tale by Helen Cridland. What happened one week in May last year when the piggy run was placed next to the flower border…

Guinea Pig Behaviours in Their Context Part 3: Meeting Other Guinea Pigs – By Piggy Whisperer, Wiebke Wiese Thomas. Common behaviours when guinea pigs meet each other for the first time.

Thoughts Before Vegtime – With Sue Tate from Cavy Corner. Why can’t we “Be More Guinea Pig?”

Guinea Gallery – Made to make your heart smile. Whose piggies have made it onto the celebrity pages in this issue?

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